Thursday, December 30, 2010
December 28th was officially one month since Sarah became a Stevens! Wow, it has gone quick! Tomorrow will be three weeks since we came home. The craziness in our house is ... well... just plain crazy! We are all continuing to adjust. Things are not always easy but they get better everyday and we are doing well.
Sarah has had many changes in her young life in the last month. One of our first stops once we came home was the doctors. What would have been 7-9 shots in China was only 3 shots in the US! Her chest xray was completely normal. What ever was showing up in China must have been from the pollution and smoke..... What did show up was that her bones are not dense like a kids should be. The doctor did some extra blood work and she has a vitamin D deficiency. She is now on Tums and a multivitamin. We did have to push the milk issue sooner than we wanted but is now fine drinking chocolate milk 3 times a day. She did loose one pound at first but has since gained it back. She is getting better at eating but meal time is not one of her happier times. I am happy to report it is getting better recently.
Sarah started fourth grade on the 20th and went for three days before vacation. She received English as a Second Language for half a day each day. Once they return to school she should receive it for 70 minutes a day. We are hoping to hear from her ESL teacher after vacation. I am hoping she has some suggestions that we can work on at home with Sarah. Her understanding of English is coming along quickly BUT her speech is not. Some things she is saying are: "Stop Manon", "Look at me Manon", "No Manon" "Its okay Manon", etc. So, you can see she is talking to Manon but not really us... Ron picked up a Chinese to English dictionary at Alex's suggestion (thanks Alex!) and it is helping. We use it when we need to explain something to her or she is upset and we are trying to find out why. She will occasionally show us something in the dictionary but I am hoping she will use it more soon. We are trying to encourage her to speak more but she will talk when she is ready. She likes to shake her head or use hand motions instead of talking...Bedtime has been another difficult time. She was very tearful at bedtime and would fall asleep crying a few times. These things have been tough on our hearts! We do understand that the only control she has had left in her life is what goes in or out of her mouth and when she opens or closes her eyes. We have tried hard to be patient and understanding and to show her we are safe and love her. The good news is we are seeing lots of progress recently! Last night we had giggles instead of tears at bedtime and mealtime has gone quicker. Ron stayed home with them on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. That really helped Sarah bond with him. It was a little rough for Ron before that. We knew that with Ron staying home with Manon that this could be an issue so it was not a surprise. She is now giving Daddy a thumbs up!
Sarah and Manon are getting along very well MOST of the time. I am happy to report they are NORMAL sisters and have their moments! Manon has been so patient and understanding with Sarah but has been a little annoyed when her father or brothers pay attention to Sarah!!! They play well together and are LEARNING to share! Since Sarah came home, Manon has been sleeping in her room instead of ours! I am HAPPY to report I have lost my little room mate! They both like their new beds. One night after they fell asleep, we found Manon in Sarah's bed with her. Very sweet! Manon was sleeping with her arm around Sarah.
Sarah is SLOWING warming up to our dogs Macy and Molly. It is a work in progress....
We kept Christmas simple and quiet this year. It was difficult to explain the real reason behind Christmas but that will come. She was very happy with her gifts and keeps track of whose is whose! Alex and Pitsa came home on Thursday and spent most of Friday with us. Nate, Kristen and Kelsey came home Christmas afternoon and spent most of Sunday here. I would say her brothers and their girls are a hit! Nick and Cynthia did not come home due to Nick's work schedule but then due to the snow storm, his work was closed. We were all disappointed we did not get to see them! We are hoping they make it up soon! Sarah did meet them at the airport but just for a short time.
Ron and his sister Dee were able to take the girls to meet him mom yesterday and that was very nice for them. He used the dictionary to show her grandmother so she would understand. She is very shy at first when meeting new people but warms up eventually.
She has only seen my parents on Skype and we are hoping they make it up from Florida in the spring (or sooner!). She did get to meet her uncle John and aunt Peggy at the school concert for a quick minute but was pretty tired and shy that night. We are hoping to get over to their house soon so she can get to know them better. She has yet to meet aunt Heidi and her family or uncle Jeff and his family but we are hoping to see them soon! She did get to see her aunt Pam and cousin Andrew on skype.
Starting December 20th, I have taken on a larger office at work so my work schedule and job are another new adjustment for us. I am hoping to keep it all manageable. It is not the time I would have chosen to do this but not all things are when we plan them! Having my family life and job change at the same time is a challenge but I think it will all work out.... I am so lucky to have such a wonderful and supportive husband/best friend! January 6th will be our ten year anniversary!
The beginning of December was one year since we first saw Sarah's picture and began the journey to make her our daughter. I can not wait to see what 2011 will bring for her and our family. She is a true blessing and worth every minute! We wish you all a safe, happy and blessed new year!
I will update the blog as often as my schedule and family allow!!!! Enjoy the pictures!
Brenda, Ron, MAnon and Sarah
Friday, December 24, 2010
So how is she doing?
I have to apologize for being such a delinquent blogger but life is a little crazy around here these days!!!! To say I am a busy lady on a quiet day would be an understatement! Jet lag was TOUGH for both of us but the worst for Sarah. The good news is I think she is through it now. I am back to work and she has started school. I will do a detailed update soon but just wanted to post that we are doing well and wish all a Merry Christmas!
Brenda, Ron, Manon and Sarah Stevens

Brenda, Ron, Manon and Sarah Stevens
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
I am always saying that Manon is as beautiful on the inside as she is on the outside and how she has handled becoming a little sister just proves this more. She truly enjoys having a sister. She is sweet, kind and patient with her. I was very worried about her "sharing" her daddy but no worries! She is doing well sharing him with Sarah Lan Lan. When we picked Manon up at school yesterday, she had to show Sarah all around.She was grinning from ear to ear introducing her to anyone and everyone! I am so proud of you Mo Mo!
Saturday, December 11, 2010
It is so wonderful to be home but jet lag is hitting us hard!
Quick recap of our trip home. Sarah Lan Lan and I had about a 1 hour wait at the airport in Guangzhou for our flight to Hong Kong. The Guangzhou airport was super busy! I had wondered why our guide had us going there so long before our flight but as soon as I saw the HUGE LONG lines, I knew why! She did great on the 55 minute flight. We made our way o the airport hotel and got about 4 1/2 hours sleep before heading back to the airport to catch out 9:35am flight to NY. Sarah did GREAT on the 15 1/2 hour flight! She was perfect! We flew Cathay Pacific. I have to say the Asian carriers are so much better than the domestic carriers!
As soon as we went through immigrations, Sarah became an American Citizen. Here is a wonderful thing, on our flight home was the other little girl from Sarah's orphanage. She is a sweet ten month old adorable baby and her parents. Sarah LOVES this little baby! Both girls became citizens at the same time! We are hoping to keep in touch with this wonderful family!
Ron, Manon, Nick and Cynthia met us at the airport! It was great to see them! Sarah did very well meeting her dad, brother and sister, sister in law! We made a quick stop to see Ron's aunt Martha. Manon set off her alarm by mistake. Sorry Aunt Martha!!!! We also stopped to see his Aunt Bert but she was out of town. By the time we made it home after dinner at Pizza Hut it was 9:30pm! Manon is a great little sister! So far no GREEN moments but I am sure they will come soon! Our guide in Nanchang told me that Sarah had a dog in her foster home but I do not think so. She was terrified to meet our Basset Hounds, Macy and Molly. Poor Macy had no clue why Sarah was screaming! We will work on that!
Sarah is pretty quiet right now but I think jet lag is hitting her pretty hard to! We have had a quiet day. I am trying to keep us up but we did need one nap this morning! The girls are watching Frosty right now. I have tons of unpacking to do but it can wait a little while!
I will post more soon but wanted to let you know we were home and doing well! I am pretty beat but hoping to feel better tomorrow. It is so wonderful to be home! It is so amazing to have the girls together. I am glad to have the trip behind us and have our family complete. We will be leaving any future family additions to the boys!
Brenda, Ron, Manon and Sarah Lan Lan

Quick recap of our trip home. Sarah Lan Lan and I had about a 1 hour wait at the airport in Guangzhou for our flight to Hong Kong. The Guangzhou airport was super busy! I had wondered why our guide had us going there so long before our flight but as soon as I saw the HUGE LONG lines, I knew why! She did great on the 55 minute flight. We made our way o the airport hotel and got about 4 1/2 hours sleep before heading back to the airport to catch out 9:35am flight to NY. Sarah did GREAT on the 15 1/2 hour flight! She was perfect! We flew Cathay Pacific. I have to say the Asian carriers are so much better than the domestic carriers!
As soon as we went through immigrations, Sarah became an American Citizen. Here is a wonderful thing, on our flight home was the other little girl from Sarah's orphanage. She is a sweet ten month old adorable baby and her parents. Sarah LOVES this little baby! Both girls became citizens at the same time! We are hoping to keep in touch with this wonderful family!
Ron, Manon, Nick and Cynthia met us at the airport! It was great to see them! Sarah did very well meeting her dad, brother and sister, sister in law! We made a quick stop to see Ron's aunt Martha. Manon set off her alarm by mistake. Sorry Aunt Martha!!!! We also stopped to see his Aunt Bert but she was out of town. By the time we made it home after dinner at Pizza Hut it was 9:30pm! Manon is a great little sister! So far no GREEN moments but I am sure they will come soon! Our guide in Nanchang told me that Sarah had a dog in her foster home but I do not think so. She was terrified to meet our Basset Hounds, Macy and Molly. Poor Macy had no clue why Sarah was screaming! We will work on that!
Sarah is pretty quiet right now but I think jet lag is hitting her pretty hard to! We have had a quiet day. I am trying to keep us up but we did need one nap this morning! The girls are watching Frosty right now. I have tons of unpacking to do but it can wait a little while!
I will post more soon but wanted to let you know we were home and doing well! I am pretty beat but hoping to feel better tomorrow. It is so wonderful to be home! It is so amazing to have the girls together. I am glad to have the trip behind us and have our family complete. We will be leaving any future family additions to the boys!
Brenda, Ron, Manon and Sarah Lan Lan
Thursday, December 9, 2010
USA BOUND!!!!! Goodbye China!!!
Well just a quick goodbye Guangzhou post. The bellboy just picked up our bags. We leave for the airport in two hours.
We have about a three hour wait at the airport before we head to Hong Kong but the computer battery is fully charged, our carry-on bag is full of DVD's and we are stocked up on snacks!
We just received Sarah Lan Lan's US visa and her citizenship packet. We leave Hong Kong Friday morning and after a 16 hour flight, land in NY around noon! I sure wish it only took 3 hours to get there!!!! We are ever so excited to be united with Ron and Manon at the airport. I am hoping Nick and Cintya will be there too! Once this little sweetie is processed through customs in NY she will become the newest US citizen!!!! I am thinking this is our last post until home so thanks for following along on this amazing journey to sweet Sarah Lan Stevens! She is doing GREAT today and excited to be leaving for the US! We have been blessed to have met many amazing families on this journey and it was wonderful to see them with their new little blessings! We are hoping to be able to keep in touch with many of them by email. I will post from home as quick as I can but it may take a day or two!!! Jetlag the second time around is a killer, but bring it on !!!
Blessings to all,
Brenda and Sarah Stevens

We have about a three hour wait at the airport before we head to Hong Kong but the computer battery is fully charged, our carry-on bag is full of DVD's and we are stocked up on snacks!
We just received Sarah Lan Lan's US visa and her citizenship packet. We leave Hong Kong Friday morning and after a 16 hour flight, land in NY around noon! I sure wish it only took 3 hours to get there!!!! We are ever so excited to be united with Ron and Manon at the airport. I am hoping Nick and Cintya will be there too! Once this little sweetie is processed through customs in NY she will become the newest US citizen!!!! I am thinking this is our last post until home so thanks for following along on this amazing journey to sweet Sarah Lan Stevens! She is doing GREAT today and excited to be leaving for the US! We have been blessed to have met many amazing families on this journey and it was wonderful to see them with their new little blessings! We are hoping to be able to keep in touch with many of them by email. I will post from home as quick as I can but it may take a day or two!!! Jetlag the second time around is a killer, but bring it on !!!
Blessings to all,
Brenda and Sarah Stevens
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Wednesday at the Red Couch
Today we had our red couch photos done. It is impossible to get all the kiddos smiling and cooperating but great to get their red couch pictures anyway! It is a great milestone for us because it means we are almost ready to go home!!!! All the kiddos in our group are wonderful, sweet and a true blessing! Sarah Lan Lan was not too happy to have to wear her itchy green Chinese dress or for me to do her hair but she survived!
After the photos we met with a mom from a Yahoo group I am on, her mom and handsome new son for lunch. Another mom and her new little blessing joined us. We had delicious Dim Sum (dumplings), rice and shrimp rolls and Jasmine tea. It was great to get to spend some time with Diana after chatting on the Yahoo group for over three years! Lunch was very good! I think we will have to go back there again!
Sarah Lan Lan and I headed to the deli for a sweet dessert and Starbucks for me. We are almost packed and ever so ready to go. Sarah Lan Lan was very sad and unhappy this morning but is better this afternoon. Thanks Diana, I think hanging out with you guys helped! I think Sarah Lan Lan is ready to move on too! It is tough to live out of a hotel room for two weeks. We have a group meeting with our guides at 5pm to hear the details about going home. Tomorrow at 3pm our guide picks up our kids visa's and then we are ready to go to Hong Kong in the evening. I wish we were headed right home but at least going to Hong Kong will be a step in the right direction!
I will try to post tomorrow before we head out.
Brenda and Sarah Lan Lan
P.S. Did I mention WE ARE ALMOST DONE!!!!!!

After the photos we met with a mom from a Yahoo group I am on, her mom and handsome new son for lunch. Another mom and her new little blessing joined us. We had delicious Dim Sum (dumplings), rice and shrimp rolls and Jasmine tea. It was great to get to spend some time with Diana after chatting on the Yahoo group for over three years! Lunch was very good! I think we will have to go back there again!
Sarah Lan Lan and I headed to the deli for a sweet dessert and Starbucks for me. We are almost packed and ever so ready to go. Sarah Lan Lan was very sad and unhappy this morning but is better this afternoon. Thanks Diana, I think hanging out with you guys helped! I think Sarah Lan Lan is ready to move on too! It is tough to live out of a hotel room for two weeks. We have a group meeting with our guides at 5pm to hear the details about going home. Tomorrow at 3pm our guide picks up our kids visa's and then we are ready to go to Hong Kong in the evening. I wish we were headed right home but at least going to Hong Kong will be a step in the right direction!
I will try to post tomorrow before we head out.
Brenda and Sarah Lan Lan
P.S. Did I mention WE ARE ALMOST DONE!!!!!!
Answered prayers......
Two big issues on our journey to Sarah have been number one that since she was seven when she entered the orphanage they did not feel she needed any immunizations so no documented immunizations. She has had immunizations, she has the scars to show it and told our guide she had shots. Number two, she had a positive PPD in her orphanage but chest xray and CT scan negative for TB, The chest xrays both showed something funky which was diagnosed as advanced bronchitis. I brought meds with me from our pediatrician just in case but since She has been with me she has no cough, fever or any symptoms. I listened to her chest, totally clear. I have not given her any meds except Mucinex for some nasal congestion. The doctor our agency sent to see her agreed her lungs sound great. He said the xray results must be a mistake? She has an appointment to be seen by our pediatrician on the 13th. She had to have a PPD on Saturday at the clinic along with the required medical exam. I have prayed hard about both these issues all along. Each time we had a delay in our paperwork or the process, I prayed the delay would mean the timing would be right for the immunization law to change. When we went back to have the TB test read, I held my breath, not sure whet their reading would be. I measured it to be 8-9mm. In the US under 10mm is negative. Well she tested NEGATIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If we had traveled one week sooner this little girl would have had to have had 7-9 immunizations and a TB test at one time...... I truly believe that the timing was as it was meant to be. Many, many prayers answered!
Sarah Lan Lan is doing very well! She is handling no better. I let her watch the DVD's I brought on the laptop or the learning English DVD's. She also gets to watch the Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf DVD's in Mandarin. No more Chinese TV. It caused way to MANY issues when we had to turn it off......She is much better this way! She is also still learning that I can not buy her everything she asks for bu she has gotten some nice things.
On Monday we went to the Pearl Market with our group. It was a seven story mall with just jewelry. Our guide took us to what she said was the best store to buy pearls. They had sea pearls and fresh water pearls. You pick out the pearls and they make the jewelry in front of you. Very neat to see. I did get a few gifts for the girls to have when they are older and a few other small gifts. Very nice stuff! It was very hot and very muggy yesterday so we just bought what we wanted and went right back to the hotel. We spent most of the day hanging out with another little girl Autumn and her mom Pam. Autumn is seven and deaf. She is AMAZING! She is soooooo smart! No issues communicating for this little sweetie. Her mom is amazing too! We are enjoying our time together. These two girls are going to love to have new sisters! We spent some time at a local park with other adoptive families. We had lunch out at the little deli next to the hotel. It was very nice to sit outside to eat. The weather was perfect yesterday.
Today, Tuesday morning we are waiting in our room until our guide gets back from the US Consulate. If there are any issues or questions with our paperwork, she will call us. Once she is back we are free to leave our room. Our guide did call us last night to ask me what school Sarah Lan Lan went to in China/ I had no idea. She said the Consulate will want to know. I woke Sarah Lan Lan up and she talked to the guide on the phone. The guide said she does know but she will need Sarah Lan Lan to write the name of the school out in characters on paper today in case it is needed. So far I have not heard from her... Oh, our guide just called. The paperwork is all GOOD!!!!!!!! We are good to go now!!!!!!! She still needs Sarah Lan Lan to write out the name of the school but she can do that this afternoon. The next step is at 1:50 we meet our guide and take a bus to the US Consulate to take our Oath together as a group. We will all raise our hands and swear that everything in our paperwork is true! That is it! No pictures allowed. On Thursday afternoon our guide will pick up Sarah Lan Lan's US Visa! We leave for Hong Kong after that! We are oh so ready to be on our way home! This week is going QUICKLY!!!!
We are going to go get some lunch now. We hope you all have a great night!
Brenda and Sarah Lan Lan

Sarah Lan Lan is doing very well! She is handling no better. I let her watch the DVD's I brought on the laptop or the learning English DVD's. She also gets to watch the Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf DVD's in Mandarin. No more Chinese TV. It caused way to MANY issues when we had to turn it off......She is much better this way! She is also still learning that I can not buy her everything she asks for bu she has gotten some nice things.
On Monday we went to the Pearl Market with our group. It was a seven story mall with just jewelry. Our guide took us to what she said was the best store to buy pearls. They had sea pearls and fresh water pearls. You pick out the pearls and they make the jewelry in front of you. Very neat to see. I did get a few gifts for the girls to have when they are older and a few other small gifts. Very nice stuff! It was very hot and very muggy yesterday so we just bought what we wanted and went right back to the hotel. We spent most of the day hanging out with another little girl Autumn and her mom Pam. Autumn is seven and deaf. She is AMAZING! She is soooooo smart! No issues communicating for this little sweetie. Her mom is amazing too! We are enjoying our time together. These two girls are going to love to have new sisters! We spent some time at a local park with other adoptive families. We had lunch out at the little deli next to the hotel. It was very nice to sit outside to eat. The weather was perfect yesterday.
Today, Tuesday morning we are waiting in our room until our guide gets back from the US Consulate. If there are any issues or questions with our paperwork, she will call us. Once she is back we are free to leave our room. Our guide did call us last night to ask me what school Sarah Lan Lan went to in China/ I had no idea. She said the Consulate will want to know. I woke Sarah Lan Lan up and she talked to the guide on the phone. The guide said she does know but she will need Sarah Lan Lan to write the name of the school out in characters on paper today in case it is needed. So far I have not heard from her... Oh, our guide just called. The paperwork is all GOOD!!!!!!!! We are good to go now!!!!!!! She still needs Sarah Lan Lan to write out the name of the school but she can do that this afternoon. The next step is at 1:50 we meet our guide and take a bus to the US Consulate to take our Oath together as a group. We will all raise our hands and swear that everything in our paperwork is true! That is it! No pictures allowed. On Thursday afternoon our guide will pick up Sarah Lan Lan's US Visa! We leave for Hong Kong after that! We are oh so ready to be on our way home! This week is going QUICKLY!!!!
We are going to go get some lunch now. We hope you all have a great night!
Brenda and Sarah Lan Lan
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