Hello! I miss you guys!
She continues to do VERY well! No sadness at all. She does seem a bit nervous when we are out of the hotel. We have no trouble communicating. Words she uses on her own regularly now, thank you, okay, noodles, and she stepped on my foot and said "sorry"! I guess these are words I use a lot! Oh, computer is another word she uses a lot! I am so glad we have the laptop!
The orphanage gave her a beautiful heavy vase that the guide said teaches her how to be a good person. I am guessing the words teach her. She read the official documents that the guide was holding. Her reading in Mandarin is very good per the guide! She speaks Mandarin and Fuzhou dialect per the guide.
We ate lunch and dinner in the room. She ate a huge bucket of noodles, small roll with PBJ, fresh pineapple and almonds for dinner. Our stomachs are bothering us so we are not eating dinner or lunch out right now. I might have to start her on kids pepto soon if it continues. We did venture out across the street to a bakery for rolls. The bakeries I have seen today have amazing pastries, cakes and breads. I think I saw at least 6 bakeries today. There were quite a few near Walmart. Walmart was a calmer experience with her than with Manon but I think she has been exposed to so much more than Manon was. I was afraid to cross the street but our guide said "follow the Chinese" I did and it worked. I am not sure I will cross the street to much though!
My jetlag is improving but I still feel like i am up in the middle of the night mid afternoon. I woke up at 4am today and that was an improvement. My coffee consumption is poor so that is not helping. I am hoping to find a Starbucks tomorrow. I am drinking water instead of Coke zero. That stuff is bad!
Tomorrow after the doctor visits we will go on a 1/2 day tour to August first Square etc. It is where the first gunshot was fired during China's Civil War (I think).
CCAI has the doctor visit as part of their service. I do not remember that with Manon but maybe this time is because of her chest xray, bronchitis results etc. I think the Mucinex helped today but she is starting to sound junky again. I have not listened to her lungs yet because I did not want to scare her. She does not have a fever.
We played kick ball and catch in the playroom and she loved it. Manon, I bet you will have fun playing together! I am going to give her a bubble bath soon. The guide is sending someone to pick up our laundry tomorrow. I am torn about sending her coat so I probably won't. It looks like it should go to the cleaners to be washed.
We bought some DVDs to teach her English and the DVDs work on the laptop. The guide new which format to but so that is good. She has been watching them for a while. We are SHARING the computer!
Adoption Day!!!!!
After a quick (and VERY scary) ride to the Adoption office and Notary office Lan Lan is now officially Sarah Lan Stevens! I am so glad we chose Lan as her middle name. She did great. We went to the "Bank" to pay our fees. We were able to wire our orphanage rearing fee from the US which I was very happy about! We handed out our official gifts. I was able to ask the Orphanage Official if there was anything he wanted us to tell her when she was older and he said he wants her to be proud to be from China and to come visit some day. He gave me his card so I can call him if that day comes. I had to answer a few questions "Do you like your baby? Do you want to keep her? Do you promise to never abandone or abuse her?" Guess my answer? Yes to all!!!! We stopped to get our family picture (minus Ron and Manon) taken too. Taxi ride was VERY Scary! Since we are the only ones in our group we take taxis for about $1.00-2.00 US and no tipping. Taxi rides in China can get you killed! I am not sure how they do not have constant accidents but they do not. I now need the Ativan for the taxi not the plane! Oh, no seatbelts at all! Oh, one taxi driver was a lady! Our guide said women have lots more rights now and work a lot more. The pollution and cigarette smoke are pretty tough right now. I am glad I brought an inhaler and am having to use it. The doctor comes to see Lan Lan in the morning just to be sure she is well. I will see about starting the antibiotic after he sees her. She has a pretty deep chest congestion and rattle. I started some Mucinex this a.m. to see if that helps. I really think some good fresh Adirondack air is what she really needs (me too!). We went to Walmart to get some snacks and look for shoes for her. No luck on the shoes (same thing when we were here with Manon) but they bought her brand new sneakers yesterday so we are good. I tried to take pictures in Walmart but there were always Walmart employees around and the guide said I could get in trouble so we don't want me getting in any trouble do we!!!!! Let me just say lots of ummm different items at this Walmart. It was an experience though! I did pick up lots of snacks that Lan Lan and the guide picked out. Green raisins, dried plums, chicken flavored Pringles chips, banana and apples. We also got noodles to eat in the room. She is having a little tummy trouble so I think we will just stick to simple things and the breakfast buffet. My stomach is a little off right now too. I am glad to report no motion sickness yet!
We have to wait until Thursday for her passport and the official documents although I already have her adoption certificate. On Friday we fly to Guanzhou to complete the US stuff, medical exam, TB test, Consulate stuff. I am still waiting to hear if she has to get all those shots or not. I am praying that she does not. This is going so well and I hate to put her through that.....I had to pay for the shots today though. The guide said she is excited to come to America! She continues to amaze me on how well she is doing! I am praying it continues! Since we are both having trouble with the smog etc we are hanging out playing in our room. We will venture out a little later to explore if we feel up to it. It is hard to get any "fresh" air here. Inside has smoke and out side has smoke and pollution. I do not remember it being so bad with Manon's trip.
It is tough for me to be away from Ron and Manon. I am praying that they are doing well but still worry. We will try to skype tonight but I need a microphone or card to talk.
I am sure I will have more to post soon!